Safety as a Mindset in Preventing Falls

Safety and health are intrinsically interconnected, akin to the relationship between the brain and the equilibrium of the body. Enhancements in one domain can yield beneficial effects in the other, particularly in the context of fall risk and cognitive function among individuals. Improving both safety and health not only aims to bolster physical stability but also enhances cognitive capacity, directly impacting the prevention of falls.


The assessment of fall risk can be effectively conducted utilizing a thorough evaluation framework that encompasses a variety of balance tests, such as the CDC-approved STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) protocol found in the RAPID-Rehab Software. This protocol incorporates several key assessments, including the 4-Stage Balance Test, the Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test, and the Chair Stand Test. Central to safety and health initiatives is the concept of “reverse ergonomics,” which focuses on optimizing individuals' physical and mental capabilities.


These evaluations not only elucidate an individual’s risk of falling but also guide the application of ergonomic strategies. By scrutinizing the results from balance and cognitive assessments, practitioners can devise plans to foster safer environments and select suitable assistive devices—like walkers—that are tailored to the specific needs of individuals.


The direct correlation between brain function and balance underscores the significance of the mind-body connection, particularly for older adults. Research indicates that balance training positively influences cognitive function in this demographic, as maintaining posture and equilibrium requires mindful engagement.


Empirical studies support the following conclusions:

1. **Balance and Cognitive Decline**: Data reveal that older adults exhibiting poorer balance scores demonstrate lower overall cognitive function, coupled with a heightened risk of cognitive impairment. This group also experiences a more pronounced decline in cognitive function over time.

2. **Balance and Cognitive Domains**: The correlation between balance and cognition is not uniform across cognitive domains; executive function exhibits the strongest association with balance, whereas episodic memory correlates with dynamic balance.

3. **Balance Training and Cognitive Function**: Engagement in balance training has been shown to enhance memory and spatial cognition. A notable study found that older adults participating in a structured balance training program exhibited improvements in spatial orientation tasks after just one month. Furthermore, those assigned to a balance training cohort outperformed participants in a traditional exercise group on both balance and memory assessments.


Collectively, these findings highlight the symbiotic relationship between safety, health, balance, and cognitive function, emphasizing the imperative for integrated approaches in promoting the well-being of older adults.


Enhancing an individual’s cognitive function and balance can greatly contribute to their overall health and safety. One effective strategy involves using the RAPID assessment and scoring systems to design tailored intervention programs for these individuals. Furthermore, the same scoring system can be applied to identify and mitigate environmental risks, thereby further enhancing safety and well-being.


For senior living organizations, RAPID recommends conducting a multifactorial falls risk assessment(RAPID CTFR Test) at admission to identify factors that contribute to fall risk and to implement appropriate interventions to prevent falls and related injuries among residents.

Learn more

Defining, Better Yet Defying Gravity

If you have ever heard the song “Gravity” by John Mayer, you would be familiar with his lyrics, “Gravity is working against me, and gravity wants to bring me down.” So, what is this incredibly strong force called gravity that John Mayer is talking about? And how does it apply to every living organism on Earth?


We can thank Isaac Newton who answered these very questions for us. Newton, the greatest scientist of his time, created a paradigm shift in human understanding of the physical world, and changed the course of the world as we see it today. It took a genius mind to figure out that an apple falling from a tree toward the ground was caused by an attractive force from an exponentially larger mass, the Earth itself.


So why is our relationship with gravity so important? When we think about how our bodies move and how we keep ourselves in an upright position, we must understand that there are only 3 things at play. There is us, this small mass; then there is this incredibly large mass called Earth, that lies beneath our feet; and finally, there is this extremely strong force acting on us as well as between us and the ground—it’s called gravity. Understanding this multi-directional relationship and measuring it can go a long way to improving our daily function.


As residents on Earth, we are and always will be subject to this one constant, Gravity. There are numerous studies showing how our bodies are affected by gravity. Long story short, gravity is necessary for your body to understand what it needs to do to function normally. You can apply the laws of gravity to every single cell in the human body and it will relate in some way to its core function. Also, to truly understand our bodies and the way they move, we must understand the importance of gravity. Without gravity, everything we know about movement would be wrong. All movements begin with our interaction with gravity and in turn, the ground beneath our feet. Gravity is a force that acts on our bodies. And, as Newton also established, all forces change matter over time. Since we are matter, we are subject to those changes. Eventually, and for approximately 36 million of us per year, Gravity will win.


 You guessed it. I’m talking about falls. The leading major health problem in the world starts with the human body’s relationship with gravity and this relationship starts beneath your feet. It’s within this collision between you and the ground where your functional tendencies are hardwired. Whether it’s your genetics or your learned physical behavior, all is rooted in what lies beneath. The force of gravity against our bodies and the way we react to it is what creates our unique foot pressure profile and center of pressure sway measurement. You can link pain, performance, or predict fall risk with your foot pressure profile and center of pressure sway measurement. On average, there are only 10 unique profiles, but each person measures in a unique way. Furthermore, the longer your sway center of pressure measurement, the more likely you are at risk for injury or a fall. As I mentioned before, this can be something you’re born with (genetics) and is why we stand and walk like our parents, or it can be learned or trained over time as it relates to functional conditioning. There are also certain profiles and measurements that can predict greater risk for falls in older adults.


The kinetic energy that runs through the body as the reactive force a person creates against gravity is determined by the highest points of force beneath the feet. This energy leads to specific activation of the kinetic chain and the way a person works to control (sway) their posture/body against gravity. Over time, our bodies will be unable to keep up with the constant demand of gravity. Imagine that you are asked to wear a backpack for an hour. This backpack will create greater pressure and increase the sway of your body. By the end of that hour, you will be more than happy to take it off. Now imagine not being able to take it off? Your body will adapt in the best way possible, but eventually, it will break down faster. That break down can lead to functional impairment as well as a catastrophic event like a fall.


Clinicians can gain valuable insight into their patients’ functional health through foot pressure profiling and measuring the sway of the center of pressure. By recording these metrics with ground force/pressure technology, a clinician opens a window to an objective understanding of fall risk predictors as well as identifying asymmetries in their patients’ bodies. Whether a patient displays tendencies, characteristics, or is susceptible to certain injuries or physical deficiencies, all can be revealed by identifying a patient’s foot pressure profile and center of pressure measurement. Measuring a patient’s postural sway through ground force technology will lead to greater patient engagement, which in turn will lead to better patient outcomes.


Ground force technologies such as the RAPID Gravity Mat and Rehab System can turn a clinical practice into an objective, non-biased balance, function, and fall risk lab. Identifying a patient’s foot pressure profile and his or her kinetic sway tendencies will go a long way to help take the appropriate corrective actions to prevent a fall. Regardless of their age, we as clinicians have a responsibility to identify each patient’s current relationship with gravity. And through this understanding as care providers, we can become proactive, limiting the weight of their backpack, which will go a long way to building a better relationship for them with gravity.

Postural Sway, what is it, why is it important to your practice, and how do you measure it?

Postural sway is an important concept in understanding how the body moves and responds to external forces. It’s a complex subject, but once measured and understood, it can help physical therapists and other health professionals accurately assess posture and make informed decisions about treatment.

In this blog, we will explore what postural sway is, its significance for physical rehabilitation, and why it should matter to healthcare professionals.

Postural Sway

Postural sway refers to the slight side-to-side movements of our bodies when standing still or walking. It’s not just an interesting phenomenon — postural sway has implications for biomechanical research into injury prevention as well as clinical practice aimed at improving balance, stability, function, and fall risk.

To put it simply, without proper control of our postural sway, many activities that involve dynamic movements could become impossible or difficult to perform safely.

As experts in assessing posture and providing effective treatments for musculoskeletal dysfunction, healthcare practitioners need to be aware of the importance of postural sway and the instrumented technologies available for testing it.

By utilizing proper technologies to identify and measure postural sway – such as its impact on joint loading during gait – clinicians can better identify risk factors associated with poor performance and implement appropriate interventions accordingly.

Definition of Postural Sway

Postural sway is the movement of a person’s body in response to gravity. It refers to the amount and direction that a person’s posture shifts when standing still or walking.

When someone stands, their postural sway indicates how much they are able to maintain an upright position without losing balance. Postural sway can be measured by several different methods but most accurately by a pressure sensing mat, force mat or force plate.

These measurements help us understand how much stability is lost while standing or walking and if there are any underlying medical conditions causing instability.

The results from these tests can provide insight into a person’s overall physical condition. For example, postural sway has been found to decrease with age due to weakened muscles and bones, which affects one’s ability to stand upright.

It also serves as an indicator of neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease, which causes abnormal coordination leading to decreased postural control. In addition, it may reveal limitations caused by musculoskeletal issues such as joint problems or muscle weakness, which result in difficulty maintaining an upright stance.

What Causes Postural Sway?

Postural sway is a phenomenon that affects most of us, whether we realize it or not. It’s the natural tendency for our bodies to shift slightly in space when standing still.

To illustrate this concept, imagine an Olympic gymnast performing on the balance beam:

They must constantly adjust their position and stance to stay upright. In much the same way, postural sway allows us to automatically make small adjustments as needed while standing in order to maintain balance and stability.

Many factors can influence how much sway a person has – age, physical fitness level, medications being taken, general health status, even footwear worn – all play a role in determining how much sway someone exhibits.

Additionally, environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity can also affect posture sway; colder temperatures tend to cause people to be more rigid and stiffer than normal which increases overall body movement.

Poor vision can lead to increased postural sway due to difficulty processing visual information from your surroundings. Other contributing factors include fatigue levels, alcohol consumption, and stress/anxiety levels, which can all impact how much postural sway occurs at any given time.

Overall, everyone experiences some degree of postural sway, but it is important to understand that there are multiple elements influencing its severity. Knowing these various influences gives care providers greater insight into their patient’s needs so they can better manage their care.

Balance and Stability

Postural sway is a measure of balance and stability. It’s the amount of movement in a person’s body as they stand still, which can be an indicator of how well-balanced their posture is. The more stable someone is, the less postural sway they will have.

There are several factors that affect postural sway:


·       Strength – Weak muscles lead to poor control over posture

·       Flexibility – Stiffer muscles result in a limited range of motion


·       Mobility – Limited joint mobility affects balance and posture

·       Stability – Unstable joints cause instability when standing or moving

Nervous system:

·       Proprioception – Poor proprioceptive awareness leads to a lack of proper positioning

·       Balance reflexes – Impaired responses can inhibit the ability to quickly adjust position and maintain balance

Understanding postural sway helps care providers identify areas where their patients bodies need improvement. Doing exercises targeting specific muscle groups, improving flexibility, performing drills for better coordination, and practicing activities requiring quick reflexes all help improve postural sway. Having good balance and stability increases safety during physical activity as well as everyday life tasks like walking up stairs or getting out of bed without assistance.

Types of Postural Sway

Postural sway is a complex phenomenon, one that can be studied in several different ways. It’s like a mysterious dance, with subtle shifts and adjustments made by the body to maintain balance and stability. There are two main types of postural sway – static and dynamic.

Static postural sway involves maintaining an upright posture without any movement. This type of sway requires the individual to remain still for prolonged periods of time.

Dynamic postural sway occurs when there is some form of movement, either voluntary or involuntary, such as walking, running, jumping, or reaching for objects. Static postural sway is typically more difficult than dynamic because it requires greater focus on muscle control and coordination.

Both static and dynamic postural sway require a strong foundation(lower body) to ensure proper alignment of the spine and hips while shifting weight from one side to another. Additionally, they both rely on proprioception – the ability to detect changes in position – which allows a person to make accurate movements even when standing still or when moving quickly through space. With these components working together, we are able to maintain our balance during various activities throughout daily life.

How to Measure Postural Sway

Measuring postural sway involves assessing an individual’s ability to balance and maintain their posture in various positions. This is performed by the RAPID-Rehab Balance Function and Fall Risk System.

The RAPID-Rehab System measures the amount of force applied to the ground and the interaction or reaction between a patient’s body and the ground when standing or moving on it, which provides valuable information about an individual’s stability and sway as they move through space.

By utilizing the RAPID-Rehab Systems’ available data points, clinicians will be able to develop more effective treatment plans for individuals who struggle with maintaining their balance and stability during everyday activities.

Benefits of Decreasing Postural Sway

Postural sway is a measure of balance and stability and, when decreased, can lead to improved physical performance. Decreasing postural sway has been linked with increased agility and speed as well as greater force production potential. These effects are particularly beneficial for athletes, who rely on their strength and agility in order to perform at peak levels.

Moreover, reducing postural sway also offers important benefits regarding injury prevention. When an individual’s center of gravity isn’t stable or balanced, they’re more likely to be injured during activities like running, jumping, or lifting weights. By improving balance through decreasing postural sway, individuals can reduce their risk of injury significantly while still being able to engage in strenuous activity without fear of harm. In addition to this, by increasing proprioception – awareness of one’s body position – muscles become better equipped to work together efficiently, resulting in less fatigue after exercise.

In short, decreasing postural sway yields positive results from both a performance and safety standpoint, making it invaluable for those participating in any type of physical activity.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists can utilize the RAPID-Rehab System for evaluating a person’s ability to perform daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and cooking. The system is used to assess an individual’s current physical abilities and then suggest a plan tailored to the patient’s needs to improve posture, strength, coordination, motor control, range of motion, and overall function.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists can utilize the RAPID-Rehab System to help diagnose and connect proper treatment to those with excessive postural sway. With regular RAPID-Rehab assessed treatment sessions, many patients report feeling more balanced as they walk or stand for long periods at a time. RAPID’s five-step test then treat formula can further reduce the risk of falls resulting from impaired balance related to postural sway.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

This can be assessed in the clinical setting by examining how much sway occurs from the center of gravity during quiet stance and single limb stance standardized testing measures found in the RAPID-Rehab library of tests and screens.

Preventing Falls in the Elderly

An elder’s risk of falling increases exponentially if they suffer from any combination of poor muscle strength, impaired vision, prolonged bed rest, and cognitive decline. To reduce this risk, it is important for them to be tested and prescribed the correct prescription of therapy. RAPID-Rehab contains all three of the CDC-approved STEADI tests which are the perfect battery of screening for any physical therapy or senior care group.


In conclusion, postural sway is an important concept to understand when it comes to balance, stability, and the health of your patients. The ability of the body to maintain its upright posture requires a complex interplay between muscles, joints, and nerves. Factors such as medications, supplements, assistive devices, and neurocognitive testing and training programs can all help enhance balance and reduce postural sway. In addition, falls prevention screenings like the RAPID Clinical Test of Fall Risk serve as great techniques and are especially important for older adults who may be at risk of falling due to age-related changes in neuromuscular control or impaired vision.


The Power of Rapid

RAPID’s AI-led software simplifies the complexity of matching diagnostic testing technology to vetted clinical pathways and completes this patient-centric process with automated connected care. We consider RAPID “augmented intelligence,” or simply artificial intelligence as a tool to enhance, not replace, the patient care decision-making process. A simple 5-STEP process allows a care provider to complete a diagnostic test, receive real-time results, perform and deliver a suggested prescription, and track progress accurately and in less time.

What does the RAPID pressure/force sensing mat and software do?

1. Provides valid, reliable, and repeatable objective measures of a patient’s neuromuscular control and ability to balance or function on a firm and/or unstable surface.

2. Documents balance rehabilitation and assessment and provide a suggested course of action, followed by an automated connected care portal.

3. During rehabilitation provides visual feedback on a patient’s ability to control their center of gravity (CoG) or center of pressure(CoP).

RAPID pressure/force analysis system can be used for the following programs:

• Fall Risk Assessment and Conditioning Programs

• Movement Disorders associated with neuromuscular control

• Amputee prosthetic rehabilitation

• Orthopedic rehabilitation associated with ligament sprains and poor neuromuscular control

• Sports Medicine and Conditioning Programs

• Core and Lumbar Stabilization Strategies

• Pre- and post-head injury screening

• Concussion Management Program

The RAPID pressure system is used by the medical community to investigate and rehabilitate clinical conditions. Measurements include contact area, ground reaction force, and derivatives of force, such as the center of force, trajectories, and impulse (force-time relationship), which can also be measured to better understand muscular imbalances, deficits, and instabilities.

RAPID offers the ability to segment views by foot and even isolate ground reaction force and center of pressure by foot region, thereby furthering analysis into foot function, balance, and postural sway.

By analyzing movements, forces, and plantar pressure exerted by lower extremities, clinicians are presented with objective data that visual assessments cannot provide. RAPID empowers researchers/clinicians to easily detect asymmetries, develop injury prevention protocols, and optimize sports performance with a host of solutions designed to meet unique needs.

RAPID utilizes what is called Computerized Static Posturography (CSP), a well-documented in clinical and scientific literature as an objective method of differentiating sensory, motor, and central adaptive functional impairments of balance. Because balance is the functional expression of a highly adaptive system of multiple interacting components, the functional impairment information provided by CSP is complementary to the traditional diagnostic approaches to balance disordered patients (ENG, rotary chair, MRI, etc.) that focus on individual, isolated anatomical components.

In an estimated 50% of patients with chronic balance disorders, especially those who are older, there is no single localized cause, and the traditional diagnostic tests are inconclusive. In these complex patients, the specific impairment information provided by CSP reduces ambiguity and is the only objective information for selecting treatment pathways leading to improved outcomes.

Foot pressure distribution and timing information provides valuable insight into a variety of biomechanical and neurological disorders, as well as aiding in the treatment and prevention of wounds caused by high foot pressure. Accurate measurement of foot pressure distribution and asymmetries provide insight into lower limb dysfunction, helping clinicians find and treat the root cause of biomechanical problems that can lead to pain throughout the lower body.



Why add RAPID to your medical rehabilitation practice?

The future of healthcare has arrived.

The rapid expansion of medical technology shows no signs of slowing down. Medical technology is rapidly changing, and it may feel overwhelming at times to keep up. What investments are worthwhile? What will provide the biggest value to your practice?

When choosing what tools to implement, remember to keep the patient at the center of your decisions, this will guarantee cost savings and increased profits. As technology evolves, so do your patients' expectations. Investing in the RAPID-Rehab System— complete with easy workflow, HEP sharing tools, and AI-led test/treat interventions — can help you attract new patients, retain existing ones and set up your practice for long-term success.


A day in the life of a typical rehabilitation practice is long and jam-packed, containing mountains of documentation. Therapists often lack the time and knowledge to consistently deliver the highest quality care to all patients: diagnose the problem, interpret findings, assess the condition, decipher accurate prescriptions, collect data in real-time, and assure the correct paths to positive outcomes. The world of the rehab profession is turbulent and ever-demanding.

Don’t take this on alone. Allow RAPID to guide you with its expert database and AI analytic processor. RAPID will help read, interpret, and choose the most effective clinical path, plus monitor your ability with every twist and turn you take. RAPID is the first “Smart Tool” cloud-based software ever created that truly enhances the clinical environment for which to practice.


RAPID is a patient-centric, cost-saving, and profit-increasing tool.

With the growing number of technologies at our fingertips, the rehabilitation field, and the ever-expanding number of medical conditions and tests, simplifying the patient care workflow of how to use and interpret these complex technologies has never been more important. The need to remotely connect with patients is at an all-time high. RAPID not only provides an augmented decision-making tool but helps to reduce costs while increasing productivity--which equates to profitability.

Expert System

Consistency of Care

Efficiency of Application

Coverage Extension

Internal Sales Furnace

Coverage Identification

Expanded Reach

Expanded Patient Base

RAPID empowers all members of your staff, regardless of education or experience, with decades of diagnostic expertise embedded in its clinical AI-led database. Anyone on your staff can administer the technology, keeping costs down and productivity up.

With minimal training, RAPID provides a consistent test and treatment workflow across your entire organization. Adopting the RAPID workflow leads to repeatable, consistent, and better outcomes.

RAPID’s easy-to-use software speeds up throughput allowing a practice to see more patients while still ensuring top-quality of care.

With RAPID’s detailed and vetted reporting, extensions of coverage are typical. Turn 6 approved appointments into 12 or more.

There is no sale easier than the one you already have, improved outcomes easily translate to repeat customers.

Pre-defined insurance coding guarantees reimbursement.

Perform care outside your current capabilities. Offer more to make more.

RAPID’s ability to treat both in-clinic and through connected care expands the care capacity and capabilities of your practice. Turn hundreds of patients into thousands.


RAPID speeds up the process without losing the quality of care. A faster, smarter way to practice. Streamline the patient experience and see higher satisfaction, retention, compliance, adherence, and referral rates.

Much to do about something, Falls.

The efforts towards fall prevention land short of taking ideal, practical, or simple measures to change the landscape. Mostly due to adherence to new technologies by those on the ground level. A recipe for positive change entails objective digital assessment and monitoring. Add in a pinch of consistency and efficiency supplied by an easy-to-use application as well as an automated practitioner-to-patient and vice versa communication. This spells success as been validated by research and current adopted practice. 


Portable, affordable, and actionable balance, function, and fall risk labs is the solution. A tablet and a USB-connected force/pressure sensing mat are all one needs to perform this ideal test/treat intervention process. 


Subjective testing is an aging process with no consistency, not to mention inaccurate data. This style of accuracy lies in the hands of the practitioner’s skill level and experience. And when we are talking about ground force/pressure data interpretation less than 1% of PTs even understand these ground-based metrics. 


A better more objective and efficient future has already started. An objective computerized force/pressure sensing AI-led clinical workflow system is already in use by major health systems, private practices, senior living communities, and more. 


This digital program/system was built for the left out 99%. A simple-to-use objective and quantifiable vetted system that tests, scores, compares, delivers suggested courses of action and automates the process of delivering therapeutic programs to patients via teleconnection. A simple five-step efficient and highly accurate test then treat process for those working with individuals dealing with balance issues, limited function, and those at high risk for falls. 


A clinical balance, function, and fall risk lab that can fit in a backpack and is as accurate as the most advanced top clinical-based CDP labs. 


It’s called RAPID, and it’s delivering balance services beyond research or clinical walls for those that need it most.